We are compromised with the natural environment.

Fauna and Flora conservation at ecológical hotel Paraíso Carlisa.

Our buildings cover less than 1% of our 100ha estate and we have used sustainable, local and natural materials. We have also implemented strategies to minimize our impact on Nature: we rely on septic tanks to treat our waste water so as not to pollute the forest or the rivers, we use as little electricity possible thanks to energy-saving light bulbs. We also have a 3.7 miles network of tracks to travel by foot or on horseback with designated spots to observe wildlife without interfering with their habitat. We have recently created botanical gardens with orchids, bromelias and heliconias so that our guests can admire the most hidden species of our national Costa Rica flora.
The Hotel Paraíso Carlisa eco-friendly hotel in Costa Rica
The Hotel Paraíso Carlisa eco-friendly hotel in Costa Rica
The Hotel Paraíso Carlisa eco-friendly hotel in Costa Rica
The Hotel Paraíso Carlisa eco-friendly hotel in Costa Rica
The Hotel Paraíso Carlisa eco-friendly hotel in Costa Rica
Salto del Indio, water falls


Centro rescate Paraíso Carlisa

Hotel Paraíso Carlisa

Butterflyfarm Costa Rica - Maiposario

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Monos capuchinos, lapas, mariposas, caballos, reptiles y batracios. Nueva compilación de fotografías en el centro de rescate Paraíso Carlisa. Imágenes que nos trasladan a la tranquilidad y al maravill ...



general 2015 animales ...

Pleasure of watching hundreds of the world"s most spectacular and colourful butterflies. As part of our effort to contribute to environment conservation by taking care of autochthonous wild animals and reinserting them in their natural habitat, we have created a vast butterfly conservatory where we breed numerous species to help reestablish the butterfly wildlife along with the reforestation ...

Until now many of us thought that we could know the age of our dog multiplying its age by 7. So a dog of 2 years was about 14 years old in human age, however, there were things that did not fit and that is that according to that rule the dogs They could have babies with 7 years of age, something impossible for humans. It was easy to conclude therefore that the rule of 7 did not give us an exact eq ...

general 2015 animal ...

New images of the rescue center, with all the animals. THIS SEASON OFFER A STUDENT PACKAGE FOR TEACHERS WITH ITS, VISIT OUR FABULOUS BUTTERFLY CONSERVATORY AND FACILITIES. From the beginning we were aware of the difficulty of working with some species, the danger that could mean for hotel guests or for the animals themselves, in addition to the large investment hospitalized to perform, so today ou ...

general animales centro de rescate ...

Visit our web in english. http://www.centrorescateparaisocarlisa.com/english/ Having the idea of returning a part of what nature provides us, a decision was made to create a rescue centre for threatened animal life (fauna). Next to our hotel installations, our objective is to benefit wildlife and boost the estate´s capacities into a biological corridor, restore the eco-system and reforest with n ...

general 2015 animal ...

Dentro del centro de rescate tenemos como labor cotidiana cuidar de los animales, alimentarlos, preparar los recintos, recibir a los recién llegados, hablar con los voluntarios y explicarles cual va a ser su labor durante los días que esté aquí, hacer un seguimiento a cada animal, observar mejorías o si por lo contrarío el animal no se encuentra en optima forma, para poder así atajar el problema. ...

general animales butterfly ...

If booking any of our rooms, the butterfly conservatory and wild animal rescue center tours, free. From 10/02/2015 to 10/03/2015. 4 star hotel in a private nature reserve, swimming pool, themed restaurants, panoramic terrace. We offer: Inner and outer journey. Tours to waterfalls, trekking, learn flora and fauna. Horse Riding. Sustainable ecotourism. Romanticism, relaxation, adventure and jun ...

animal centro de rescate conciencia ...

Para nosotros el mejor centro de rescate animal de Costa Rica. Aquí seguimos con nuestro duro trabajo diario, donde el único afán es recuperar la normalidad en las vidas de estos animalitos. Como podéis ver en las fotografías nuestros voluntarios se encargan de ello y luego lo vemos reflejado en las caras de los pequeños. Esperamos que os gusten. In english: http://www.centrorescateparaisocarlisa ...

general 2015 animal ...

Ya hemos soltado a este ejemplar de Oso perezoso!! Se adaptó perfectamente y ya está listo para volver a su hábitat natural, la selva. Como dato curioso, queremos contaros que Los perezosos se clasifican como folívoros, ya que el grueso de su dieta consiste principalmente en yemas, brotes tiernos y hojas, principalmente de árboles del género Cecropia. Se ha documentado que algunos perezosos comen ...

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Cada cuatro o seis semanas tenemos un grupo de voluntarios nuevos en el centro de rescate, con muchísimas ganas de trabajar y aprender. Siempre notamos tanto a los animales como los voluntarios trabar un preciosa asociación, y la felicidad se refleja en las caras de todos. Siempre hay cosas que hacer, alimentación, limpieza, cuidados? Dentro del programa tenemos dos modalidades de voluntariado, 1 ...

general bees conciencia ...

NewBees -- The future is already here: www.robobees.info If we carry on with chemically intensive agriculture model, it is quite possible that we may affect our pollinating insects to such a degree that we reach a global "pollination crisis". This is the imaginary future we do not want. This future where bees and the biodiversity they help maintain, have finally fallen victim to chemical ...