How old is your dog?

Until now many of us thought that we could know the age of our dog multiplying its age by 7. So a dog of 2 years was about 14 years old in human age, however, there were things that did not fit and that is that according to that rule the dogs They could have babies with 7 years of age, something impossible for humans.

It was easy to conclude therefore that the rule of 7 did not give us an exact equivalence between the age of our dog and human age.

To end the inaccuracies and get to really know how old our dogs are, the Doctor in canine psychology Stanley Coren has developed a much more accurate system.

The table of equivalence between canine age and human age

Stanley Coren has dedicated his life to analyzing the life cycle of dogs, from the age equivalences between canine and human years, to the percentage of deaths by age.

In his study, the Doctor not only observed the age of the dogs but their variations and status according to the breeds and size.

After observing different dogs, Stanley concluded that:

The first canine year is equivalent to about 16 human years

The second to one 24 years human

The third, fourth and fifth year to about 5 human years per year

Therefore, a dog of 5 years will have according to these conclusions 40 human years How strong!

To facilitate the task of calculating by size and age, Coren has developed a practical table of equivalences that allows you to discover at a glance the human age of your dog.

We have created a beautiful table so that you can always use it as a reference.
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